Friday, August 21, 2009

hi sweetheart

Hey Myah, thinking a lot about you the last few days, just wanted to say hi. Some things have changed around here, but I am sure you know that :)

I have tons of mixed emotions, not sure what or how to feel. I just keep thinking back to that terrible winter day in January, and I can' t help but feel broken inside.

I keep thinking about what you would be like now, almost 2 years old. It hurts so much Myah. The pain is so overwhelming and cruel. There wasn't a day that goes by, and there still isn't, that I didn't love you with all of my heart and I tried to keep you safe. I think about you constantly, I want so badly for this to be untrue and for you to be here with me. I hate the fact that you are gone and I am left here to pick up the pieces of my broken heart.

You are my angel, I so look forward to the day I will see you again. I hope that you can forgive me, I am trying really hard to forgive myself.

Love Mommy.